
這 麼多的烤焙試驗, 對我這初學者來說, 鬆餅(muffin)是製作最簡單容易, 及尚算健康(跟蛋糕其他比較, 牛油及雞蛋的份量比較少)的一種包點. 鬆餅(muffin)通常有藍梅, 蜂蜜, 肉桂或巧克力口味, 有的人只愛吃muffin上端那個圓圓的 "dome"﹐不愛吃底下的杯子部份.  在Seinfield影集裡, Elaine就是只愛吃 "muffin stomp", 不吃杯子部份. 甚至起了念頭想要開個店, 專賣muffin stomp呢!

記 得去年搬進現在的新家, 首兩個月都不曾動過簇新的烤箱/焗爐. 直到十一月尾, 才動手做我第一盤糕點, 就是提子muffin. 接著就開始自己胡亂摸索, 依著人家的食譜, 偶爾做做蛋糕, 烘烤麵包. 今天上午下午手指癢癢的, 就烤了一盤十二個蜜桃提子muffins. 出爐時, 屋中散發肉桂芬芳的味道(很喜歡這種味道), 口感方面, 鬆餅頂部鬆脆, 裡面部份鬆軟, 夾雜蜜桃果肉及提子乾, 味道甜味適中.  
Raisin Peach Muffins
  1. Milk  1 and 1/2 cup
  2. Freshly squeezed lemon juice  2 tbsp
  3. All-purpose flour  2 cups
  4. Whole wheat flour 1 cups / bran cereal 1 cup
  5. Baking powder 2 tsp
  6. Ground cinnamon 1 tsp (can add more if you like)
  7. Each, baking soda and salt  1/2 tsp
  8. Granulated sugar 2/3 cup
  9. Egg 1
  10. butter, melted 1/4 cup
  11. chopped peaches (frozen, fresh or drained canned) 1 cup
  12. raisins 1 cup
  1. Preheat oven to 190C (350F). Butter nonstick muffin pans or line with paper liners.
  2. In a bowl, combine Milk and Lemon juice; set aside. In a large bowl, combine all-purpose flour and whole wheat flours, baking powder, cinnamon, baking soda and salt. Whisk sugar, egg and butter into Milk mixture. Pour over dry ingredients and sprinkle with peachers and raisins. Stir just until moistened.
  3. Spoon into prepared muffin pan. Bake for 20-30 min or until tops are firm to the touch. Let cool in pan for 5 min(蒸氣會讓Muffin 更鬆軟). Transfer to rack to cool completely.

Preparation time: 10 min
Baking time: 20-30 min
Yield: 12 muffins

***吃不完的鬆糕可以密封冷凍保存, 食用時先解凍再用鋁箔紙包好, 預熱焗爐350F (175C) , 再加熱 10-12min.

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